Thursday, September 2, 2010

Study book review

It has been awhile since I have posted and that is mainly due to two reasons. 1-I haven't disciplined myself to do so and 2- I have fallen away from doing my devotions/studies. I hoping that, that will begin to change starting today.I know we all as Christians daily struggle to do the Lords will and not our own. It is His will that I spend time in His Word and in prayer daily. The blog helps me to remember what I'm learning in my studies. If you write it down it stays with you better, right? At least for me it does. I was doing pretty good for a while studying the book of James through a great study guide called "Growing in Wisdom and Faith" by Elizabeth George, but since I got away from it today is going to be review day. I will share a few points from the chapters I had already done to catch us up. They are ch. 1-7 which go through the entire first chapter of James.

James 1:1 James calls himself a servant of God. We are to be servants of God. What does that mean?

Obedience-no right if our own, absolute possession of our master, unquestioning obedience to our master

Humility-think not of privilege but duty, not of rights but obligations. To loose yourself in the service of God.

Loyalty-living out your faith by doing all for God, not personal gain.

James used Jesus' full name when he wrote that he was a "servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Lord-emphasizing His right to rule,
Jesus-emphasizing His humanity
Christ-emphasizing His Messiahship.

Amen! Think about that next time you say His name. I know I will.

James 1:2-4 Trials...there will be some, guaranteed (says when, not if) and to count them as joy. In them is work in you producing you to be perfect (not sinless but right with God) complete and lack nothing.

Look at progression in verses...

Trials work to...
Test my faith which...
Produces patience which makes me...
Perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

How do we count them joy? 1. With our mind, not emotions! 2. By faith.
"because the eye of faith will see the hand of God in all of life."

Without trials we can not to like Jesus.

James 1:5-8 Ask for wisdom from God, who gives it unconditionally. Ask in faith, not wavering. To doubt is to be unstable, crashing about. You must ask. It doesn't say He will give it without asking, no, it say to ask and to ask in faith. So we must...

Stop- to take time to consult with the Lord
Look- to the Lord and ask.
Listen- for His wisdom.
Proceed- in His direction without doubt.

The heart of faith believes God hears our cry for help....and answers them.

That is my biggest fault, struggle, sin....doubt! Faith believes. There is no room for doubt in faith. To doubt means you better take a good look at your "faith"! This is where I am at.

Time to sit and meditate on what i have just reviewed and to take time in prayer so I will pick up on the rest of the review tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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